Countries with the highest GDP per capita between 1800-2040
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January - March 2023 archive
The Tax Office hopes shedding light on its enforcement priorities will improve taxpayer compliance.
The Christmas break-up party and/or gifts to employees can be exempt from Fringe Benefits if a few rules are followed.
Ensure the business you buy is a worthwhile investment
More women than men entered into SMSFs in the September quarter, according to the latest ATO statistics.
The global outlook summary highlights the top-level economic and market outlook, Beyond the landing, to be distributed in mid-December.
The ATO is reminding SMSF trustees that if they have had transfer balance account events in the last quarter they must lodge a TBAR by 28 January 2025.
eWombat is a targeted search engine that only searches websites relevant to financial planners and accountants. A great resource to search for tax rulings, human services documents, etc.
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