JobKeeper Participants – are “workers”


Although JobKeeper has been in place for many months and is now scaling back, all eligible participants may not have enrolled. The program is targeted to workers in the broad sense.



An “eligible business participant” is an individual who’s not an employee of the business but is actively engaged (i.e. a worker).

The eligible business participant must be an individual, who could be:-

  • a sole trader,
  • a director of, or shareholder in a company,
  • a partner in a partnership, or
  • an adult beneficiary of a trust (but not a trustee)

They must be actively engaged in the business, - although recently this does not include providers of childcare.

Even if the business has several people who meet the criteria (e.g. two or three partners or directors), only one can be nominated as the participant.

Whilst there are now continuing reporting obligations, which means you may not always be a “worker”- even a few fortnights JobKeeper receipts can be significant – check your enrolment basis regularly.





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